No, American actress Clarice Taylor passed away on May 30, 2011
I assume you mean James Taylor. Yes he is alive, at age 61.
taylor swift did NOT die! stop being so silly!
June Lockhart, who as far as I know is still alive. She also played the mother character on Lost In Space.
ROFL. He was born in 1858.
If you mean Bill Cosby, no. He's very much alive.
is bill cosby real mother alive
No. Bill Cosby is still alive.
- Bill cosby is still alive , Aperrantley if hes the director of the show " LITTLE BILL" hes alive ...
Yes, Taylor is well and alive.
Yes, Taylor's dad is alive and well.
yes, Taylor Lautner's mum is alive.
Spelt Jacob Black, played by Taylor's in the credits! It was Taylor Lautner. a.k.a the sexiest man alive!!!
Roger taylor is alive, John Deacon died in 1997. Roger Taylor is 59 years old.
yeah, i met him.