Brent Rivera is 19 years old (birthdate January 9, 1998).
YouTube entertainer Dominic DeAngelis is 23 years old (born August 19, 1993).
Online humorist Shane Dawson is 28 years old (birthdate: July 19, 1988).Canadian pitcher Shane Dawson is 23 years old (born September 9, 1993).
Since Return of the Jedi takes place 4 years after A New Hope and A New Hope takes place 19 years after Revenge of the Sith, Luke Skywalker is 23 years old.
you will be 19 in the year 2011
Nope just don't go broadcasting it to anyone. People will give you dirty looks. I know because when i was 15 i dated a 19 year old. And a 23 year old.
In my opinion, I think that 10 years is a little too much of a difference. But that's just me, maybe there are other people that think otherwise. Considering you are over the age of 18, you are free to do as you please with relationships. You can do whatever you wish to do.
usually 19-23 kgs.
Sure but besure that you can trust them and make sure if you go out with him dont take it too quickly because a 19 yr old and a 23 yr old think very differently good luck anyway
She may not be too old to be pregnant, but it is not safe to breed a 23 year old arabian. The foal and the mare may die during the pregnancy. If you are planning to do this, I want you to take my advice and do not try to do this if you want her to live much longer.
It is okay for a 17 year old to date a 23 year old
depends on the current year.For example, if the current year is 2009:2009(current year) - 1997answer = 19 years old.
it's your decision. it's not like cops will be like OMFG OMFG 19 DATING 17 ALERT! OMFG! when i was 15, i dated 23 year olds, and nobody gave a f*ck.
She probably thinks youre to old, and dont want her too
She's 19 years old
Yes they can.