Online humorist Shane Dawson is 28 years old (birthdate: July 19, 1988).
Canadian pitcher Shane Dawson is 23 years old (born September 9, 1993).
Shanaynay is played by Shane Dawson:-)
Shane Dawson's name is Shane Yaw. He uses the name Dawson so people don't think he is Asian.
No, Shane Dawson doesn't have any is shane's job! best job ever if you ask me!
Shane Dawson (ShaneDawsonTV) joined YouTube on March 10, 2008.
No, Shane Dawson isn't mexican.
on shanedawsontv - hodini's street magic. shanedawsontv2 - i hate Shane dawson Shane - Shane by the bell. and the first ever account he made was but he deleted all the old videos and restarted:)
he does he is 22
Yes, Shane Dawson is an American.
Shanaynay is played by Shane Dawson:-)
Shane Dawson was born on July 19, 1988.
Shane Dawson's name is Shane Yaw. He uses the name Dawson so people don't think he is Asian.
I think Shane Dawson was physically abused as a child.
No, Shane Dawson is not a dad. Although, he is in a relationship with a fellow you-tuber.
He'll turn 22 on the 18th of July
No, Shane Dawson doesn't have any is shane's job! best job ever if you ask me!