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Yes. HHH has right handed sucker punches !!

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Q: Is Triple H right handed
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DNA is in the form of what?

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Will Triple H go back to the old h?

triple h is the greatest wrestler of all time right after the undertaker so no i dont thint he will go back YEAH>>>>>>

What is triple h nationality?

Triple H is American

Is Triple H really in the hospital?

no not right now, he was for a few weeks...

How is Triple H injured in 2010?

Triple H is not injured that is just a storyline. He is filming a movie for WWE films right now and it rumored to return at Summerslam

How old is Triple H and Shawn Michaels?

Almost right. Triple H is 40. He'll be 41 in July and Shawn will be 45 in July. I might be wrong, but I'm 97 percent sure Triple H is 41 and HBK is 44.

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Was Heath Ledger right-handed or left-handed?

LEFT-HANDED! not right-handed!

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