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Yeah she is, she sings the song Crazier when Miley's home town is trying to raise money. :-)

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15y ago

yeah she is!

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Q: Is Taylor Swift in the Hannah Montana Movie?
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What movie was Taylor Swift in?

she was in a movie called Hannah Montana the Movie

What CD of Taylor Swift has crazier?

Hannah Montana: The Movie features "Crazier" by Taylor Swift.

When was Taylor Swift's first movie?

she is not an actores but she was in the Hannah Montana movie

What films has Taylor Swift been in?

the Hannah Montana movie and valentines day

Is Taylor Swift out with someone?

Yes.Lucas Till or Travis in Hannah Montana the movie

Who makes Taylor Swift crazier?

The song "Crazier", Taylor wrote FOR the Hannah Montana Movie; therefore, it is about the 'feeling' in the movie.

Are Travis from the Hannah Montana Movie and Taylor Swift related?

No, they are not because Travis is played by Lucas Till who actually has a crush on Taylor Swift.

Are there any CDs that have Taylor Swift songs on them that aren't on Taylor Swift albums?

yes. Yes, the Hannah Montana: The Movie CD has Crazier on it.

Is Taylor Swift in a movie?

Yes, Taylor Swift is in the Hannah Montana: The Movie and she is also in a new movie called Valentine's Day which comes into theaters February 12th 2010.

Rascal Flatts and Taylor Swift appear in what teen star's Disney movie?

Hannah Montana

Who is better Hannah Montana or Taylor Swift?

Taylor swift is way better than Hannah Montana!Hannah Montana has bin getting in a lot of trubel latly.Taylor swift is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is Hannah Montana real friend?

Taylor swift