sharon pratt kelly is still alive. She is 67 years old
Judge Mathis is married.
Mathis Landwehr is 181 cm.
Judge Mathis is a judge. He is currently on the court show, Judge Mathis. His salary is not listed to the general public.
Sharon Bell Mathis was born on Febuary 26, 1937. thanks
Sharon Bell Mathis had three children. Daughters intact.
yes she does have children
No, Sharon Bell Mathis did not write the poem "Dreaming with Butterflies." It is attributed to Beverly Dipo. Sharon Bell Mathis is known for her children's books, such as "The Hundred Penny Box" and "Ray Charles."
No. As of December 2012, Sharon Creech is still alive.
Sharon Osbourne is alive, she turned 59 on October 9, 2011.
Sharon draper died in 1993 Boi