It seems like she is a normal girl who acts both in ways and some other ways.
Selena Gomez is not only cute but she is beautiful, pretty, gorgeous and sweet ! Of course SHE IS!
The previous answer says:Selena Gomez is a total girly girl and hates tomboys I find this answer very biased. You have no evidence that she HATES tomboys, neither do you have evidence to prove her to be a girly girl. Not saying that I can proof everything, but I personally feel that she is somewhere in the middle. She likes raps (Super Bass) , and it is certainly not what a 'girly girl' would do. She is also pretty girly. Even though the clothes she wear to performances are not entirely her choice, but it has her style too (which is pretty girly but not too over). Her casual clothes are definitely what girls would wear, but this does not mean she is a GIRLY girl. That just sounds too over, don't you think so? ;)
Not really, Hermione is more of a tomboy than Ginny.
no just shy about her body and who she is this starts to change as she gets older.
No, Salior Uranus is a girl, however she is more of a tomboy, Hence why she has short hair. She is not like Salior moon as a girly girl.
she wants a twin girls and she wants to call them Malieka and McKenzie
Selena gomez likes purple but not blue she is a girly girl
You call them both or a girly girlish tomboy.
A girl chooses to be a tomboy or a girly girl. If she chooses to be a tomboy, she might pick a nickname like Kat or Kit.
she was a tomboy when she was little but she is a girlie girl now ={)
Ashley is the girly girl. Mary Kate is a tomboy.
Girly girl…I know her in real life
The previous answer says:Selena Gomez is a total girly girl and hates tomboys I find this answer very biased. You have no evidence that she HATES tomboys, neither do you have evidence to prove her to be a girly girl. Not saying that I can proof everything, but I personally feel that she is somewhere in the middle. She likes raps (Super Bass) , and it is certainly not what a 'girly girl' would do. She is also pretty girly. Even though the clothes she wear to performances are not entirely her choice, but it has her style too (which is pretty girly but not too over). Her casual clothes are definitely what girls would wear, but this does not mean she is a GIRLY girl. That just sounds too over, don't you think so? ;)
no unlesss you are already a tomboy ...a girly girl can rock a snapback
you don't. accept her as she is.
Ashley is more girly gril Mary-kate is more the rock type tomboy girl
Yea if you watch Icarly or Hannah Montana Lilly Or sam is tomboy Carly or Miley is girly Me and my bff are like that im kinda in the middle but im more tomboyish or just a girl they are lots of Girly girl and tomboys that are friends. Yeah. My best friend was a girly girl and I was a tomboy.
In icarly sam is not a tomboy well like shes a tomboy and girly a the same time like shes not girly and shes not a tomboy well the way she acts its kinda a tom boy but shes like normal the way she dresses not a tomboy and not girly.[;