yes because sam destroyed her and doesnt give a **** about her.!
omg you are a B**** your effin stuopid lol i love you
Manuel Martinez Coronado died in 1998.
It's actually different really . At the end of Dear John in the book both John and Savannah are out on their own back yard and John feels as if it's almost they were together again . But in the Movie however, it seems like Savannah is waiting for John . And when she see's him she comes outside from the Diner to give him a hug
November 18, 1997 She is one heck of a girl.
He is going to get rushed go to the hospital and die
As of Feb. 2012, no.
Tom Martinez died in 2012.
Mary Sharpe died on June 21, 2012, in Savannah, Georgia, USA.
No we are not all going to die on 211212 we are going to die on the 22nd December 2012!
While it is inevitable that some people will die in 2012 it is not going to be the end of the world by any means
Esperanza Martinez died in 1998.
Pepe Martinez died in 1984.
Esther Martinez died in 2006.
Martinez Heath died in 2006.
Dion Martinez died in 1928.
Julian Martinez died in 1943.
Paddy Martinez died in 1969.
Crisóstomo Martinez died in 1694.