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i would sey yep cuz da way i see it is dat he uses his real powers & naruto mostly goes n' 9tails fox mode
naruto would wep sasuke any day
No Naruto Ultimate ninja Heroes is not better than Naruto Shippuden Ultimate ninja impact, Naruto SUNH3 was a good game the story was kind of long it only got to the part where Sasuke fight's Itachi before he's fight's him in the Uchiha hideout, when Naruto SUNI starts in the Kazekage Rescue and ends when sasuke is trying to kill the kage.
Sasuke fought Mizore Fuyukuma and Fubuki Kakuyoku with Sakura.
Iruka is Naruto's trainer at the ninja academy. Kakashi is the master of Naruto,Sasuke and Sakura after the ninja academy days. Afterwords Jiraiya takes on the challenge as Naruto's master and trainer.
It's Stage two happy!? >_<-oh gees why does people talk about sasuke soo much!? lol...
In the sasuke retrieval arc, the goal is to stop sasuke. Sasuke ignored naruto, who told him about the other 4 ninja (Shikamaru, Neji, Kiba and Choji) risking their lives to save him. Sasuke disregards it (jerk!) and keeps going. Naruto then tries to stop sasuke by beating him up. Exact quote: "I'm gonna bring you back to the village, even if I have to drag you all the way there!!!".
No he is not. The strongest ninja is the sage of six paths. He is the one who invented the ninja world and jutsu and beat the ten tailed jinjuriki.
no... naruto is the strongest charcter (ninja) in the ninja world
there is no demon sasuke in naruto ninja council 3
sasuke with SHARINGAN isn't available in naruto clash of ninja 1, only in clash of ninja 2
there is no code sasuke comes at the start of the game,but if you are talking about shippuden sasuke he is not in naruto ultimate ninja 4
naruto's already unlocked beat the story on hard to get sasuke
In naruto clash of ninja revolution 3? Yesh. yesh he is :3
naruto vs sasuke naruto,ninja desteny,
The name Sasuke is taken from the real world ninja Sasuke Sarutobi
no he does not.
No, Second State Sasuke is not a playable character in Naruto Clash of Ninja 2.