Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson's mums name is Clare Pattinson.
Robert Pattinson!
"Never Think" Written by Robert Pattinson and Sam Bradley Arranged and Performed by Robert Pattinson "Let Me Sign" Written by Robert Pattinson, Marcus Foster, and Bobby Long Performed by Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson's mom.
Robert Pattinson Robert Pattinson
Kristen stewarts boyfriend currently is robert pattinson, so no.
probably because Robert Pattinson is Hot!
No, Robert is straight.
Robert pattinson (2010)
Robert Pattinson.
Kristen Is dating Robert Pattinson
her x-boyfriend is rpattz ( Robert pattinson ) .
no. her boyfriend is Robert pattinson. and Taylor lautner is too young for her!
Rob doesn't have a boyfriend, he is not gay. Who, if anyone, is his girlfriend is his and her business alone.
Yes she does. Her boyfriend is Robert Pattinson. She just broke up with her ex Michael.
Yes ofc.