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The original Prom Night (1980), starring Jamie Lee Curtis, is rated R. The 2008 remake is rated PG-13.

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Q: Is Prom Night the movie rated PG-13?
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Related questions

Is Prom Night rated r?


Was Prom Night a true story?

The Movie Prom Night was not based on a true story, that was a rumor.

Is the movie prom rated pg?

yes it.

Is the new prom night movie demonic?

Demonic? No, the Prom Night remake nor the original deal with demons.

Is prom the movie pg?

No, it's rated M.

What are the ratings and certificates for Prom Night in Mississippi - 2009?

Prom Night in Mississippi - 2009 is rated/received certificates of: Canada:PG (Manitoba/Ontario)

What happens in the movie prom night?

the killer gets out of jail and come get her at her highschool prom

Where was the movie Prom Night 2008 Filmed?


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Prom night

What is the rating for Disneys prom movie?

Disney's Prom is rated PG for mild language and a brief fight.

What is Prom Night the movie's Prom Theme?

I'm pretty sure it's "The Time of Our Lives".

Who plays Bobby in the movie Prom Night?

Scott Porter