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Five, including the remake. The original Prom Night came out in 1980, followed by Prom Night 2: Hello Mary Lou in 1987, Prom Night 3: the Last Kiss in 1990, and Prom Night 4: Deliver Us From Evil in 1992. The remake came out in 2008.

Personally, I've never understood the Prom Nightfranchise. Halloween, Friday the 13th, and Nightmare on Elm Street have each spawned countless crappy sequels, but that was because the original films were so good. The original Prom Night is a piece of garbage. It's not even the fun kind of bad, like the Halloween, Friday the 13thand Nightmare on Elm Street sequels, which are terrible, but the fun kind of terrible, with too much gratuitous violence and lots of hilariously cheesy dialogue. Prom Night is just boring. It's a two-hour movie, and literally nothing happens at all for the first hour and a half. Then when we finally get to the killing -- because it's supposed to be a horror film, you know -- there isn't even any gruesome gratuitous gore to make up for it. I don't even know how it ends -- it was so boring that I just could not make it 15 more minutes. So that's one hour and forty-five minutes of my life that I'll never get back.

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