No. Pittbull is Hispanic and speaks Spanish (Cuban American), but he is not ethnically Spanish.
Edward is Spanish in Twilight. He was dying of Spanish Influenza.That's retarded! No one in Twilight is Spanish! Just because you have the Spanish influenza doesn't mean your Spanish. Influenza is like the flu! You don't have to be in to be Spanish or in Spain.Does it say anywhere in the book that he wasn't Spanish? That's what i thought! and i know it doesn't say anything about him being Spanish, but he was the best chance!!!!!There is one person in Twilight that is Hispanic, and does speak Spanish. She is in Breaking Dawn; Carmen from the Denali Coven, Tanya's older sister, the Cullen's 'Cousin' for the most part. -D
no but he does speak monswer
probably part of his family is Spanish, numerous Spanish people resided in England and Wales during the Spanish civil war, to escape the conflict
actually gregg sulkin did take spanish in high school so he does speak a little bit of spanish
Yes, AJ does speak Spanish.
Well if you mean they new song by Pittbull it is called, I Know You Want Me by Pittbull. Hope I got it right!
Its a pittbull bloodline
from cuba
he is from cuba,he said it on an interview
colby, chaos and watchman
Pittbull is Cuban from Miami.
Yes they can
if they have a licence there not illegal