Michael Myers is a fictional character. He is neither dead nor alive.
But in character true evil can never die.
Sir Michael Gambon is alive.
maybe, some celebs might want to get away from the world and cash in and not be bothered.... but he could be dead.... Same thing with Michael Jackson!
no, Maxine Waters is alive.
Yes he is alive
Alive, as of 6-27-11
Michael Werner is still alive.
He is alive
Sir Michael Gambon is alive.
No. Author Michael Anthony is alive.
Sir Michael Gambon is alive.
No, none of his doubles/look a likes are dead and no Michael is not alive.
NO! Michael Jackson died and people that are dead are DEAD! HE IS DEAD! IF YOU SEE HIM YOU ARE JUST DREAMING THEN!
Because he is Dead?
He's dead.
He was dead when the ambulance arrived at his home.