Michael Kitchen was born on October 31, 1948.
Sir Michael Gambon is alive.
No, as of June 2012, Michael Gambon is still alive.
Michael Myers is a fictional character. He is neither dead nor alive. But in character true evil can never die.
Michael Jr aka Prince is still alive.
Michael Kitchen was born on October 31, 1948.
Michael Kitchen was born on October 31, 1948.
Michael Collins IS ALIVE
Yes, Michael Buckley is alive.
Yes, the wheels on the Michael Scott Kitchen Island can be removed.
Michael Werner is still alive.
Michael Phelps Mom: Alive Dad: Alive
Yes, Michael Houston is alive. He is a musician.
yes Michael Jackson parents are alive
yes he is alive
He's not alive.
Yes. As of 14 May 2013, Michael Kors is alive and well.