Sir Michael Gambon is alive.
Apparently not
Michael Myers is a fictional character. He is neither dead nor alive. But in character true evil can never die.
Yes, especially now that he is dead.
Craig Michael Beck is 5' 6".
Michael Beck was born on February 4, 1949.
Michael Beck was born on February 4, 1949.
US actor Michael Beck is 68 years old (born John Michael Beck Taylor, February 4, 1949).
Glenn Beck. While Michael Moore definitely has the weight advantage, Glenn Beck would most likely use a rifle, meaning he could shoot Moore from a fair distance.
Michael Morpurgo is not dead.
Michael Morpurgo is not dead.
He did Gay porno for FALCON PAC before he did Warriors.
Glenn Beck
I think it is Glenn Beck because he crys all the time.
Olivia Newton-John, Michael Beck, and Gene Kelly
NO! Michael Jackson died and people that are dead are DEAD! HE IS DEAD! IF YOU SEE HIM YOU ARE JUST DREAMING THEN!