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Mark Lowry attended Liberty University (called Liberty Baptist College at the time) from 1975 to 1980. I believe he is now independent Baptist (not a part of a denomination).

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Q: Is Mark Lowry Baptist if not what denomination is he?
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Their Religion is Christianity -- or did you mean denomination? As to their denomination, they are all individuals so they make their own choices, but I know that Mark Lowry was brought up Baptist. Bill Gaither is a member of The Church of God (Anderson, IN). But, the important thing is that they all believe in and follow Jesus Christ which comes across so strongly in their concerts.

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no A more detailed answer is, a person is whatever denomination they choose to be, or whatever denomination the parents decide. The way you become a Baptist is to join a Baptist church, or to be the child of parents who are members of a Baptist church. The same applies to any denomination, although each church sets its own requirements for joining.

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Depends on what Baptist denomination you are referring too.

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Jesus Christ. God sent John the Baptist to baptize. God gave him the authority to baptize and he baptized Jesus. The "Baptist" denomination is the only denomination mentioned in The Bible. The Baptist church originated with Jesus Christ in the land of Israel.

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I would say Baptist, since the couple was married by the power in authority to the Baptist pastor, the place doesn't matter. If they're married outside their not under the denomination of wind, they'd be under the denomination of the pastor.