Kiki Dee was born on March 6, 1947.
Ruby Dee was 91 years old when she died on June 11, 2014. (birthdate: October 27, 1922)
No. Tito and Dee Dee were divorced in 1988. Dee Dee died in 1994.
no. she has no kids. she dated a gutarist in elton john's band and when they split it took some time to heal. her career is her marriage.
Kiki Dee was born on March 6, 1947.
Kiki Dee's birth name is Pauline Matthews.
Elton John did not marry Kiki Dee
I believe Dee Henderson is still alive. some of her books came out in 2003. so i am pretty sure she is still alive.
UK singer Kiki Dee is 71 years old (born Pauline Mathews, March 6, 1947).
hes father still alive?
Yes, most definitely
amoureuse by kiki Dee
No, Dee Brown passed away in 2002.
nahhh. etta James did.