Ruby Dee was 91 years old when she died on June 11, 2014.
(birthdate: October 27, 1922)
No, Ruby Bridges is indeed not dead. She is 69 today and is working for schools and other programs..
No she is not dead. Tito Jackson's wife was the one that died in a pool.
Yes, She has 3 kids One son and two daughters. (Guy,Nora and Hasna)
yes dummy
Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee
Ruby Dee was married to Ossie Davis, they became husband and wife in 1948.Ruby Dee was married to Ossie Davis when she died. However, Ossie is also dead, now they are together again.
Ruby Dee was an actress.
Ruby Dee was born on October 27, 1924.
"what is ruby dee doing right now"
Ruby Dee was born on October 27, 1924.
Ruby Dee is an African-American actress, poet, playwright, and screenwriter.
ruby Dee won like 1,000,000 awards at the Grammy's awards!!
the parents are marshel dee,and his wifs name is emma dee
Ruby Dee is still living in 2011 she is going to be 87 in october,23.
Rube Dee is the wife of Ossie Davis. He is her second husband, after her divorce from, singer, Frankie Dee.