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Alright ladies let me answer this one haha! Okay sorry to let down these Twilight fans (I'm not really a twilight fan) Justin is probably better! He is better because he is a real person not a character he doesn't thirst for blood ( i hope) he is human, he has girls fighting over him! not running away saying "Ahhhh a vampire is after me!" haha he doesn't live forever :(and he doesn't have super powers his eyes don't always change and his body doesn't glitter up in the sunshine!hope i didn't let down all the twilight fans but everyone has their own outlook on their dream guy's this is just my outlook sorry if i offended anyone but that is just my thoughts! once again from sabbyxx

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Q: Is Justin Bieber hotter than Edward Cullen?
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Who is hotter Edward Cullen or Joe Jonas?

Edward Cullen Edward Cullen wins it hands down. no argument required at all. O.M.E.C. means oh my Edward Cullen Edward is so hotter then Joe Jonas Edward is a vampire how sparkles Joe Jonas does not sparkles and he is not no vampire ether!!!!

What video did Justin bieber say he was gay?

First of all Justin Bieber did admit that he was gay and he is. Cause he admitted it on Oprah so ha and if you don't believe me i recorded it and its on youtube and its on Google!!!!! So the people every where tht thinks thtt hes not gay well he is. And this is a free country. And i am not jelous of Justin bieber even chris brown looks hotter than him im not a hater im just saying... Oh yeah and i have Justin Biebers number and i asked him if he was gay and he said yeah kinda So the people who saying that the peole who think tht jutin bieber is gay is jelous well all of yall r hating right now so yea...... And whoever has a problem with me saying that Justin bieber is gay and calling me a hater you could say it to my face because im not scared of you people........ Ok then

Are Fred and thecomputernerd01 the same person?

Why do you even need to ask? Currently, Fred has a TV show and he has hair that is close to being Justin Bieber hair. Thecomputernerd01 has short hair. Anyway, thecomputernerd01 is way hotter and way less annoying.

What is the cure for bieber fever?

I use to have the Bieber Fever, the only way i could get rid of it was thinking of another guy that is hotter than him for instance Taylor Laughtner he is so cute but then you would have the Taylor Fever lol=laugh out loud

What does Bella say at the beginning of twilight?

Eerie, isn't it?Emmett Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 17, p.367 He's no match for us, Edward. He won't be able to touch her.Emmett Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 18, p.383 She's diabolical.Emmett Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 18, p.387 You haven't changed at all. I expected a perceptible difference, but here you are, red-faced just like always.Emmett Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.26 I have to step out for a second. Don't do anything funny while I'm gone.Emmett Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.26 It doesn't count until she's conscious, Rose.Emmett Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 22, p.498 I'm really glad Edward didn't kill you. Everything's so much more fun with you around.Emmett Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 4, p.93 Fall down again, Bella?Emmett Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 15, p.342 I'll try not to break anything.Emmett Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 18, p.394 If you don't send Edward out, we're coming in after him!Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 2, p.29 You're monopolizing the bride. Let me dance with my little sister. This could be my last chance to make her blush.Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 4, p.69 Nice to have toddlers guarding the fort.Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 11, p.221 Did ya get in a couple of good swipes?Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 22, p.442 Aw, what a waste. And here you're probably the one person who could take him - since he can't get in your head to cheat - and you had a perfect excuse, too. I've been dying to see how he'd do without that advantage.Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 22, p.442 So it's still standing? I would've thought you two had knocked it to rubble by now. What were you doing last night? Discussing the national debt?Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 25, p.490 I'm sure you'll ace your classes… apparently there's nothing interesting for you to do at night besides study.Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 25, p.491 'Bout time somebody scored around here.Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 25, p.511 I'm not even sure she's really a vampire, let alone a newborn. She's too tame.Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 26, p.517 Oooo, scary.Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 26, p.517 You gonna back down so easy, little sister? Not much wild about you, is there? I bet that cottage doesn't have a scratch. Did Edward tell you how many houses Rose and I smashed?Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 26, p.520 Chill, Bella.Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 28, p.549 I'm not going down without a fight.Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 29, p.561 Hard to feel confident when you're surrounded by horse-sized wolves.Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 39, p.745

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Edward Cullen is UGLY !!!!!!!!!!!! Nick Jonas is the SEXIEST GUY IN THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Say what nick Jonas is ugly and Edward Cullen is HOTTER!

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People have their own opinions but I think Justin Bieber is HOTTEST.