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Why do you even need to ask? Currently, Fred has a TV show and he has hair that is close to being Justin Bieber hair. Thecomputernerd01 has short hair. Anyway, thecomputernerd01 is way hotter and way less annoying.

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Q: Are Fred and thecomputernerd01 the same person?
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How old is thecomputernerd01?

As of 2021, thecomputernerd01 (Mitchell Davis) is 33 years old.

Is Fred the movie going to be in cinemas in the UK?

I don't know but I really hope so and if you like the Fred videos be sure to check out thecomputernerd01 on youtube-he is even funnier

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What is thecomputernerd01 favorite color?

I'm pretty sure Thecomputernerd01's favorite color is orange

How many videos does Thecomputernerd01 have?

thecomputernerd01 - 193 joshrocksguitarhero- 537 idigthemullet - 122 that is all three of his accounts :)

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Thecomputernerd01 typically releases new parodies on Tuesdays.

Does thecomputernerd01 have a girlfriend?

No he doesn't.

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Is Derf and Fred the same actors?

Maybe they are.But,a different guy who plays Derf is Fred.I hope this explanation wasn't confusing.

What is thecomputernerd01 whole name?

Joshua Daniel Chomik

Where does thecomputernerd01 live?

He lives in Clark, New Jersey.

How tall is thecomputernerd01?

he is 5 feet 11 inches