The sex lives of entertainers are private matters. Fans are over-the-top and way out-of-line to ask about such personal issues. Give entertainers a break and don't ask about such personal issues as their sex lives!
Jeremy shum definetely no question aboutt hat hun :)
not his is jst rumor
felicia barton obviously since she isa girl
Classic land titles case in Australia following ratio decendi of Donoghue v Stevenson
He is represnenting all of the 800K parents that Maths Worldwide ripped off
Jeremy Shum is 182 cm.
No Jeremy Shum is not Jewish he a christain.
Jeremy Shum was born on November 14.
Kevin Shum
obviously Jeremy shum
Jeremy's mom's name is Debby Shum.
Maybelle Shum
Debby Shum
Daniel Shum
i havta say Jeremy shum!
obviously Jeremy shum!