James Drury married to Cristall Orton from 1957 to 1964 James Drury married to Phyllis Mitchell from 1968 to 1979 Yes, James Drury married to Carl Ann Head in 1979
he is still alive today
The band leader was born 17 April 1929 and is still alive as of August 15th 2014.
Yes age 86
yes is she still alive or not
No, James Drury is not single.
James Drury is a/an Actor
Yes, James Drury has 2 kids.
James Drury has 2 children
Yes, James Drury has 2 kids.
James Drury married to Cristall Orton from 1957 to 1964 James Drury married to Phyllis Mitchell from 1968 to 1979 James Drury married to Carl Ann Head in 1979
James Drury married to Cristall Orton from 1957 to 1964 James Drury married to Phyllis Mitchell from 1968 to 1979 James Drury married to Carl Ann Head in 1979
James Drury has 2 children
James Drury was born on April 18, 1934
Yes, James Drury died on April 06, 2020
LeBron James is still alive.