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Yes, Hermione is smart. In fact she is one of the cleverest in here year at Hogwarts. That is book-smart, mind. She is a bit underdeveloped in the realm of free thinking, and could never be magical innovators that Fred and George Weasley or Luna Lovegood are (creating new magic and discovering new species). She learns well though.

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14y ago
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12y ago

He's brave because he faces his fears and the man who killed his parents to try and save the world. Basically for the same reason as many other heroes.

People could say that he's brave because he tried his hardest to try and not involve his friends in his battles because he doesn't want them to be hurt, taking the weight of the world on his shoulders alone.

However many of the other characters in the novels were also brave.

Also, Harry was put into Gryffindor, the house of bravery, hence the Lion.

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13y ago

its hard 2 explain but its probably because he's the only known person who survived avada kedavra and he is likely the only wizard who can defeat voldemort. he also has the scar of the chosen 1

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11y ago

Hermione Granger is very clever, she can memorise books and managed to get 112% in her first year Charms exam. She was always the top of her year and a large part of the plans to get rid of Voldemort was made by her.

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13y ago

In the first book he does a lot of crazy stuff he sacrificed a lot of point for his house but he was able to get voldemort out of there

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13y ago

Yes, very brave.

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13y ago

No, she is still alive.

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Not at all.

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9y ago


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