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No, the character did not. You may be confusing her with the Zoey101 star Jamie Lynn Spears.

Jamie was the one that became an unwedteenagemother.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

no she never had kids and all those rumors are fake

Plus her name is Destiny Hope Cyrus (Miley Cyrus) not Hannah Montana

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βˆ™ 15y ago

not yet there hasn't been

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: Is Hannah baby on Hannah Montana?
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Does Hannah Montana have a baby?

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Hannah Montana never has a baby... Disney wouldn't have teen pregnancies as a theme of a show/episode.

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yes she was a good baby

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yes. they even made a baby together, that's why she quit Hannah Montana. :(

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She does not have a baby. She does have a Yorkie name Lila though.

Is Hannah Montana having a baby?

so how do u know that?

What is Hannah Montana baby name?

Destiny Hope Cryrus

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this might be the dumbest question on the planet. of course the Jonas brothers are not Hannah Montana's baby daddy. 1) there are three Jonas brothers, so how could they all be her baby's father. 2) Hannah Montana isn't a real person. and Miley Cyrus, who plays her, is not pregnant.