" Best of Both Worlds"
Hannah Montana's first song was ''Best of Both worlds''.
Hannah Montana's first song is "This Is The Life" it is NOT "Best of Both Worlds"
The first album made by Hannah Montana was called Hannah Montana. The Hannah Montana albums are Hannah Montana, Hannah Montana 2, Meet Miley Cyrus, Breakout, and Hannah Montana the Movie soundtrack. (the albums are in order from oldest to newest.)
It was Hannah Montana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really like Hannah Montana the show !!!!
Hannah Montana first came out when Miley was 12 (when she started playing the role as Hannah Montana and starring in the hit Disney show) Hope this helped!
Hannah Montana, the character, is fiction. Hannah Montana is not a real person. But, Miley Cyrus, is non fiction. Miley Cyrus plays the character of Hannah Montana on the show, Hannah Montana.
Miley Cyrus has 4 albums they are the oirginal Hannah Montana CD, her Hannah Montana 2/ meet Miley Cyrus CD her dance party album and her best of both worlds concert album
the latest album so far was breakout but her latest album from her new movie Hannah Montana movie was releast a few days ago
Hannah Montana's first album was called Hannah Montana
Hannah Montana's first album was a soundtrack for her show. The album was called simply, Hannah Montana.
Hannah Montana's (Miley Cyrus) first album was the Hannah Montana Soundtrack which came out on October 24, 2006.
Hannah Montanas first music album was called breackout
The first Hannah Montana Album is the Hannah Montana Soundtrack to her show, Hannah Montana. It includes Best of Both Worlds, Who Said, If We Were A Movie, and more from the hit TV show Hannah Montana.
First album: "Hannah Montana" Second album: "Hannah Montana 2: Meet Miley Cyrus" There is also a Hannah Montana 3 album, I believe, and The Hannah Montana Movie soundtrack. Also, "Breakout" is an album done by only Miley Cyrus, not her as Hannah Montana. That's about it!
Hannah Montana
Hannah Montanaweird enough it was called Hannah Montana(soundtrack)( I got this from wikipedia )
Hannah Montana
Best of both worlds.
Technically it was the soundtrack to Hannah Montana: The Movie. Her first two albums are the first and soundtrack to Hannah Montana [the show]. Her DEBUT album was called Breakout.