Juliette Binoche was born on March 9, 1964.
Yes he is still alive , and he is 33 years old.
Yes Kenny Baker is still alive
yes, she's still alive, she is 78 years old.
US actress Bridget Moynahan is 45 years old (birthdate: April 28, 1971).* one source shows birth year as 1970.* another source shows birthday as September 21 but cannot agree on the year (1971-1972)
still alive still alive still alive
Juliette Binoche was born on March 9, 1964.
she is still alive right know she is very old
yes she is still alive she is 23 years old
She will be 170 years old if she was alive still
Yes he is still alive. He is 59 years old right now. Old,but still alive. You can watch him on Tru tv.
The mother is 83 and still alive
yes he is still alive he is 37 years old
Yes he is still alive. He is 85 years old.
Yes he is still alive , and he is 33 years old.
As of October 2nd, 2014, David Attenborough is still alive. He is currently 88 years old.
Yes Kenny Baker is still alive