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Yes She Is And Shes Married To Edward In Real Life

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

Yes, she is

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Q: Is Bella really preg with Edwards baby?
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Why do you have a pink discharge and 27weeks preg?

baby is growing more.

If you have polystatis ovarties and you have all the signs of preg can you be preg or could it be fantoum pregnancy and what the chances of being preg?

You could possibly be pregnant. Your chances of being pregnant are high. You can still have a baby with this disorder.

Can ovarian cyst stop you from having kids?

no, but it can make it harder to get preg. if they are really big. you should always have a ultra sound to determine the size of the cyst, and if they need to be removed before getting preg.

Does stress make it harder to have kids?

yes it is harder to have kids and if you get preg do not have stess it well be bad for the baby you will be happy if you do have kids :)

Who is in favor with teen pregnancy?

i am a preg teen so im all for it.anyone who has something against it has problems!a baby is a blessing and everything happens for a reason.

What happeneds if your preg and there is a cat?

Most people can't get preg. With a cat , so nothing is your answer.

If you had a baby 3 weeks ago can you still get pregnant?

They told me that it is real easy to get preg the second and third time around.I don't think you could get preg so soon. but I would use protection to be on the safe side.It depends on if you ovulating.Theres always a chance of pregnancy when have unprotected sex.

Is your gf preg she had her period 6 days early and her nipples are tingleing really bad is she preg?

Might be. Hard to tell. If the period is very light pink-brown then it can implantation bleeding which happens 7-12 days after conception. The best would be to go and ask for HCG blood test,an early one so you wouldn't get really anxious by waiting to find out the truth. If you cannot see a doctor buy a test and take it in 5 days or 7 days time. Buy and EARLY pregnancy test (First Response Early or order and early preg test from the internet). Use condom, a baby is there forever....and if you are not ready to take care of one 24/7, think about it before you have sex..All the best .

What if the pregnancy test is negative and don't want a child?

Then don't worry about it! You said you don't want a child--and if your preg test is negative, it means that you're not going to have a baby...Stupid question..

Sex during period week late nxt month brown in coulour short HPT neg have symptoms bck ache etc am you preg ty?

well i cant really say you are preg cos the symptons you have may be due to other things. but have sex during the week of your period is not safe at all because you are very fertile at this time. see you doctor for a test. goodluck. well i cant really say you are preg cos the symptons you have may be due to other things. but have sex during the week of your period is not safe at all because you are very fertile at this time. see you doctor for a test. goodluck. well i cant really say you are preg cos the symptons you have may be due to other things. but have sex during the week of your period is not safe at all because you are very fertile at this time. see you doctor for a test. goodluck.

What were the most popular baby names in 1997?

Visit this helps:-)

Can you still got preg why you are on the pill?

yes i did