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I understand Bella Swan is supposedly a flat character but, from my understanding, we have the opportunity to discover a lot about her if attention is paid. There are several indirect characterizations.

Bella is insecure, avoidant, self centered, extremely passionate about loved ones, becomes emotionally attached to the idea of living a different life. She has high potential, but feels out of place. She is intrigued by the odd or eccentric. Bella shows a lot of signs of having high functioning autism, and I feel I understand the character pretty well.

Someone please explain how, with all of the above character traits mentioned, Bella is considered flat?

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Shae Anne

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3y ago
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13y ago

Bella Swan is considered a very flat character. Although she is the main character most do not consider her very well developed as she seems to have very little personality.

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she is considered to be a flat character

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