Yes! He Married Up to his beautiful wife Polly Ester (Sharon) McClain.
Lauryn McClain is 20 years old. She was born on January 9, 1997.
sunditia McClain and sydeny McClain
China Anne McClain is 13,sierra McClain is 18, and Lauryn McClain is 15. (China Anne McClain is also on A.N.T show!)
China Anne McClain was born in 13 August 25,1998, who will be 14 in October, Lauryn McClain was born in 15 January 9,1997, who is now 15, and Sierra McClain was born in March 16,1994 is 18 years old.
China Anne's sisters, Sierra Aylina McClain and Lauryn Alisa McClain,her older sister name is lauryn mcclain and her oldest sister name is sierra mcclain and her youngest brother name is lil' gabriel mcclain
The cast of Antsy McClain and Joe Craven Live - 2014 includes: Joe Craven as himself Antsy McClain as himself
Antsy McClain and Joe Craven Live - 2014 - TV was released on: USA: 2014
The cast of The Musicians of Witless Protection - 2008 includes: Antsy McClain as himself Peter Stormare as himself David Was as himself
Antsy is in fact an adjective. It means very impatient. Antsy is only an adjective, not a noun or verb.
Antsy Pants was created in 2006.
Antsy means nervous or anxious. The image is of having ants crawling all over you. When you're antsy, you can hardly sit still. "Stop being so antsy," is a way of saying "Calm down."
She kept watching the clock,antsy for school to be over.
The word antsy is an adjective that describes a person who is agitated, impatient, or restless. A good example of the use of the word is: The man was feeling antsy awaiting his jury trial.
from the seventies you had charlie mcclain married to a soap star named ferguson? Actually it was female country singer Charly McClain who married soap star Wayne Massey in July/84. He played Johnny Drummond on OLTL.....
what chapter in the schwa was here did antsy long to be noticed
She may be dating someone because on her facebook she has married to so she may be dating
Shontell McClain and Michael McClain