Yes very Big
As a 16y/o-3 months teen,it's really humungousaur! I just did my measurements and I feel proud😌. I have freak of nature genetics,imagine a couple months from now my growth spurt will be rapid onset,so I also workout a lot too,been doing calisthenics ever since I was 5. I also play a lot of sports and do a ton of cardio almost everyday;including pushups,dips, squats,wallsits Track and Field,football, jumping rope etc. These exercises increased my testosterone way beyond young average years. I currently 5ft 7ins,127lbs with about 10% body fat,it's insane gains like these overtraining day in day out,night-time or daylight that made my genitals bulky with all striations and popping veins through it.
A really huge one runs diagonal across my head to the roots. I am biracial btw so work hard and great combo of genetics sums up your genitals size overtime during your youth stages. Don't be the guys that sit down on their couches all day and nine eat while playing Video Games...get to work and maximize your gent's potential. Peace out brahs,we are gonna make it someday!
15 or 16 inches
Maybe depending on what state they live in. Many states the age of consent is 16 while others is 18. This means if the age of consent is 18 a 16 year old dating a 28 year old adult could mean jail time for the adult. I would wonder why a person who is nearly 30 years old would be interested in a person 16 considering the age difference. Life experience is part of a relationship and a 16 year old is just learning about life and dating. This is a big gap for a long lasting relationship.
he is 24 years-old but he is playing a 16 year-old
12 year olds have 'crushes' and unless the 16 year old wasn't expecting it, then it's a no-no! Both are minors, but, the 16 year old would still be held somewhat responsible because they should know better.
yes. the average is 6 for an adult. I'm same as you and also 16. and 6 inches soft. wbu?
You are slightly on the small side considering the average is about 6 inches
It passed big 3 years ago at 6'6" 13 year old.
Depends on the age of consent in GA. Many states have the age of consent at 16 while others at 18. If it is 18 in GA that means the 16 year old is a minor and it is illegal. The big question here is why a 40 year old person would be interested in a 16 year old. The age difference is too big for there to be much in common and life expereince is a big part of a relationship. The 40 year old is old enough to be the parent of the 16 year old.
16 inches
16 inches
Is the 4.5 inches in length or around? Sounds to me like it's the perfect size.
I think that a 16 year old girl's breast areola size should be around a size 16
That average hand length for a 16 year old male would fall somewhere between 6.8 and 7.6 inches long.
yeah thats big i wear the same size but i'm 16 and 6'1
for an Asian about two inches is above average
A big kiss.