Dexter lives in Nowheresville, California. I saw it in an episode when a narrator says something about his town.
Season 4, episode 12 (the very last scene)
In the series finale, Dexter is forced to take Dee Dee to the zoo, she ends up trying to save an ostrich, with disastrous results.
an episode called the end he fights his bro
Kabuto try to kill sasuke in "Naruto episode 51."
Dexter's Laboratory Episode 50 or Dexter's Laboratory Season 2 Episode 37
Dexter - episode - was created on 2006-10-01.
The episode ''Picture day''
Fratricide is the killing of a brother. One might kill a brother because of hatred or jealousy. One might kill a brother in self defense. One might kill a brother because of alcohol or drugs or a psychotic episode.
averege joes
in episode 140 Naruto Shippuden but it have not came out in the u.s yet
In the season 1 episode "Dexter's Rival".
Dexter lives in Nowheresville, California. I saw it in an episode when a narrator says something about his town.
In the episode called The Big Cheese dexter says star wars to get into his laboratory.
episode 55 - A Failed Lab Experiment
Itachi and great thought sasuke tries to kill him from episode 1