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She is thinking by her car when she turns to see tyler's car, and in the blink of an eye edward is by her side, pushing the car away. he has to hold it up for a few seconds, for her to move her legs from under the car. She hits her head and gets some bruises. The whole thing is supposed to be how he saves her and be really intense, him trying to be quick so she can't tell he's a vampire.

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She was saved by Edward Cullen. The Chapter is Phenomenon, chapter Three.

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that wuz in chapter 3 of twilight

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Q: In what chapter did Bella almost get hit by the car?
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Tyler. In the book, he's the first guy to ask Bell to the girls' choice dance. Tyler Crowley. he loses control and then yah he keeps apologizing throughout the whole book and Bella starts to get really annoyed.

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Basically, the movie or book didn't describe it. But what was true, however, was that Edward was across the parking lot when Bella almost got hit.

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