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Q: In what TV series would you find characters named Harm and Mac?
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Most likely no. If it sees you as a threat and you provoke, it may harm you.

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Who does it harm if you kiss your guinea pig on the lips?

It doesnt harm anyone but why would you want to make out with your pet

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No, they can eat it without harm.

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Monopolies would harm the U.S Economy because it would close out the window for competition, and free market.

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Characters like Tom Robinson and Boo Radley in "To Kill a Mockingbird" are considered mockingbirds because they are kind, innocent individuals who are unfairly targeted or harmed. They symbolize innocence and vulnerability, and it is a sin to harm them.

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well it would harm it because if the cactus gets to much water then it will die

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Not a thing.