Homeowners Insurance is specific to the named insured(s). It would only cover liability to the extent the named insured is somehow liable for the injury or bodily harm. Most accidental injuries are best addressed with the injured persons own medical insurance coverage.
AnswerThey usually do not but every agreement is a unique one you have to go through yours with the fine print also.A homeowners policy does not cover and specifically excludes self-motorized vehicles except for lawn mowers used exclusively for maintenance of the property insured. Even in this case the mower is covers if damaged in a covered cause but bodily injury is not a coverage included on a homeowners policy.
No, Homeowners insurance is for the house. it does not cover cars or car accident claims.
Homeowners insurance claims typically require documentation such as repair receipts, invoices, photos of the damage before and after repairs, and any relevant permits or licenses.
As far as homeowners, and auto claims payments are concerned no.
Pre-existing home damage.Retroactive in what way? the state of Kentucky?Homeowners Insurance Policies do not cover preexisting damage to a home.
It is either a claim for a fire or it is any type of homeowners claims since homeowners policies used to be called fire policies.
All homeowners claims are subject to premium surcharges. either in the current policy period or at renewal.
I'm afraid this would be very difficult claim to make. Homeowners claims are accidents that must be due to a covered cause. Remember the terms sudden and accidental in homeowners claims. Something that happened without you knowing it is probably neither sudden nor accidental. Most likely you are talking about a maintenance issue rather than a claimable issue. There is no problem in talking with you agent about the issue and get their advice on the item.
Call the claims department, they should be able to tell you.
No. Homeowners insurance usually does not have surcharges for claims. However, you will loose any "claim-free" discounts that you have attained on the policy. If you have continuous claims the insurance company may require you have a higher deductible, get a security system, or cancel the policy. You don't want to have claims on your homeowners policy unless you have to. Homeowners insurance is for large claims not for small ones. Frequency of claims counts against you just as much as having a large claim. Homeowners policies are getting harder to get at good rates. If you have one protect your record and do what you have to so that you don't ruin the good coverage and rates you have. As a matter of full disclosure, I own and operate a small Independent Insurance Company in Central Georgia and have for the past 22 years. Prior to that I worked as an agent for a direct writer of insurance for 3 years.
Building insurance claims may be due to a variety of factors, such as accidental damage. One may need to claim on buildings insurance if one's house suffers storm damage, for example.
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