As far as the series has gone, Sasuke has not kissed Sakura in Naruto.
Sakura doesn't love Naruto so why would she kiss someone she doesn't even like but in shippuden episode 206 she told Naruto she loved him in order to get him to come back to the leaf village but he saw threw her bulshitting she loves Sasuke but Sasuke doesn't even like sakura its all complicated the sires would be great is naruto and hinata ended up together and sasuke and sakura end up together but that's my opinion
that doesnt even happen
They kissed once in episode 3...Naruto and Sasuke were glaring when someone accidently pushed Naruto into Sasuke. They also kiss in episode 194 of Naruto Shippuden. Sadly, another accident...
No where. Naruto and Sakura never kiss.
Naruto and Sasuke kiss in original episode 3 and Shippuden episode 194. The sceen when Sakura gives Naruto the kiss of life isn't anime yet.
Sakura doesn't love Naruto so why would she kiss someone she doesn't even like but in shippuden episode 206 she told Naruto she loved him in order to get him to come back to the leaf village but he saw threw her bulshitting she loves Sasuke but Sasuke doesn't even like sakura its all complicated the sires would be great is naruto and hinata ended up together and sasuke and sakura end up together but that's my opinion
Naruto episode 3 and naruto shipunden episode 194
It never happened, and it never will happen.
Never; they've yet to do so. As for Naruto and Sasuke, the first episode.
As of now, Sakura and Sasuke haven't kissed in Naruto Shippuden (with Sasuke out to kill everyone in Konoha... I doubt that's one of his priorities).
They never kissed. The only time Sakura came close to kissing someone is when Naruto transformed into Sasuke.
I think in episode 324 I don't think he ever will. I think Sasuke and Naruto will get lovey before Sasuke does with Sakura.
hasn't been released yet but since sasuke only cares for his power i don't think that he will kiss sakura. maybe naruto will turn into sasuke and kiss her but something she pushes him away and says sfe loves naruto now might happen
that doesnt even happen
episode 2 or 3 but it was not sasuke. it was naruto using a transformation jutsu. the real sasuke was tied up in a room...poor sasuke...
They kissed once in episode 3...Naruto and Sasuke were glaring when someone accidently pushed Naruto into Sasuke. They also kiss in episode 194 of Naruto Shippuden. Sadly, another accident...