Yeah Edward and Bella planned on Bella being changed later before there first semester of college but then Bella got pregnant and Renesmee was half vampire so she was basically killing Bella while she was inside her. Edward injected his venom right after she had Renesmee to keep her somewhat alive.
She became a vampire because Renesmee was killing her. After she came out, Bella was dying so Edward had to keep on biting her to get the venom to her heart fast so she won't die.
yes in breaking dawn read chapter 19
Bella was supposed to turn into a vampire after Edward and Bella got married in Breaking Dawn. Edward was going to bite her at their honeymoon but Bella decided not to get bitten. Then Bella get pregnant with Renesme and when giving birth, her heart almost fails and Edward bites her to save her.
No, Bella Swan does not die in the Twilight series. In the final book, "Breaking Dawn," she undergoes a transformation into a vampire to save her life after complications during childbirth. As a vampire, she gains enhanced strength, speed, and immortality, ensuring her survival throughout the series.
I do not believe there is a point of falling action in Twilight, or for that matter, any of the four books. The suspense and thrill holds steady till the very last page of Breaking Dawn. I was bitten by the Twilight bug and there is no cure. And strangely, I don't really care.
Omg! I like can't believe you don't know that it: James- he get's killed in twilight by the cullens after trying to kill Bella and almost suceeding Laurent- he get's killed in new moon by Jacob Black, Bella's friend and edward and Bella's daughters' lover laurent gets killed after trying to kill Bella Victoria- she get's killed in Eclipse by Edward because she tries to kill Bella to hurt edward because edward killed James, the person she loved, but James didn't love her btw in the 4th book edward and Bella get married and have a baby girl who almost kills Bella but then they turn Bella into a vampire and then Jacob black imprints on their baby
Bella turn into a vampir in breaking dawn.
Bella turns into a vampire in the last book Breaking Dawn.
Bella turns into a vampire to keep her alive while giving birth to their daughter and Edward turns Bella into a vampire.
The character Bella from the book series 'Twilight' does not turn into a werewolf, she eventually is turned into a vampire.
Yes, Bella did turn into a vampire, but not until book 4.
Breaking Dawn
In the final scene of the movie "Twilight," Bella and Edward are in the prom together. Edward tells Bella that he plans to turn her into a vampire in the future, and they share a dance together as the movie ends.
The baby in the movie Twilight, named Renesmee, is half-human and half-vampire, which poses a unique challenge during childbirth. The rapid growth of the baby inside Bella's womb causes complications that put Bella's life at risk. To save Bella and the baby, Edward is forced to turn Bella into a vampire.
not yet but in breaking dawn she will when it comes out :)
no she isn't a vampire till the 4th book breaking dawn
Yes, in the "Twilight" series, Edward Cullen eventually turns Bella Swan into a vampire in order to save her life after she gives birth to their daughter Renesmee.