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It is still played fast but just kind of a llaa llaa llaa llaa llaa but fast like lalalalalalalalala

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Q: In piano music how do you play a passage of notes under a slur with staccato marks?
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What is the musical word for detached?

In violin music, detached means that the notes are separated, but not necessarily staccato. They are basically normal notes with a short pause in between. Hope that helps:)

What does Alla staccato mean?

In music this refers normally to how notes are played. When a musician plays notes 'ala staccato', they are required to take short breaths between each note to define the tones.

What is the musical sign for staccato?

The musical term staccato represents playing or singing a note as short or detached from the other notes. Staccato notes are distinctive because they are much shorter than notes that are not staccato. The opposite of staccato is legato, which means the notes are smoother and more elongated.

What is the opposite of legato in music?

Adagio, a tempo marking indicating that the music is to be played slowly

What does the Italian staccato mean?

Staccato in Italian means "detached." In music notation, it directs the musician to play the note or notes shorter than their full value, emphasizing a crisp and separated sound.

How do you spell stacotto?

It is correctly spelled staccato. That is if you mean the way in music where notes sound sharply detached from one another.

What is a staccato lead?

Staccato is when a piece of music is played in the form of short, detatched notes. For example, in piano, if you play something that is in staccato style, you don't hold the notes, you just play them quickly and then let go. Hope this helps! :) For more info look on google, there's lots of useful websites there! :)

What does legatissimo mean in piano music terms?

It means that the notes should be played really smoothly- onee sort of linking together rather than independent staccato notes.

What is the Italian term that means the opposite of staccato?

In music, the Italian term "tenuto" is the opposite of staccato. Tenuto notes are played in a connected style, rather than the separated style of staccato. They're signified by a horizontal line written above or below the note. Another term that means the opposite of staccato is "legato," a term that is very similar to tenuto. Legato notes are played smooth and connected, and they're identified by the word "Legato."

What is the importance of rest and notes in music?

Rests and notes make up all that music is. The notes are the circular looking marks and most have staffs or lines on them which resemble lower case letter "b's" and "d's". Rests are small hash marks or bars in between notes in which no music is played. This allows the piece to flow and harmonize with the other instruments.

What is Staccato Legato?

Staccato - Means detached - It is a method of playing a note so that by shortening it in value it is detached from the next note. Legato - Means bound together - the music is performed in a smooth manner without any noticeable pause between notes.

What is the musical term for playing notes in a short distinctly separate manner?

Stacatto, which is notated by putting a dot above or below the note (opposite the note stem).