the answer to that is the labratory the kitchen the living room spencers room the backroom near the kitchen carlys room icarly studio the backroom in the icarly studio the bathoom and freddies apartment.
He looks like a bad boy and he collects pee wee babies (Their just like beanie babies but on Icarly their called pee wee babies).
Skyler Day plays Magic Malika on iCarly.
The actor who plays Gibby Gibson on iCarly, is Noah Munck.
Haley Ramm played Missy on iCarly.
On iCarly, Carlys dad is in the Army in Europe.
Miranda Cosgrove
Miranda Cosgrove
the answer to that is the labratory the kitchen the living room spencers room the backroom near the kitchen carlys room icarly studio the backroom in the icarly studio the bathoom and freddies apartment.
Miranda Cosgrove
If you mean on the episode "iChristmas", his name is Mitch.
when Carlys brother does anything. He is hilarious! When Carly and Sam get a new producer in iCarly. Funny yet sad!
Fredward Benson otherwise known as Freddie plays carlys friend in the program he is a computer whizz and is played by nathan kress :)
Carly Shay's Dad's name is Colnoel Steven Shay.
His name is Antonio Ricardo Santiago Fernando Roberto Eduardo Gonzalez the fourth.
Yes. Miranda Cosgrove plays Carly Shae in Icarly. She is also Megan from "Drake and Josh."
on her show Carley Shaw off her show it is Miranda cosgrove