The actor who plays Gibby Gibson on iCarly, is Noah Munck.
Haley Ramm played Missy on iCarly.
Malika Blessing's birth name is Malika Perkins.
sam did
Emily Ratajkowski
Ryan M. Bollman plays "Spankey" on Icarly.
Joey Luthman plays Dave in iquit icarly
The actor who plays Gibby Gibson on iCarly, is Noah Munck.
Haley Ramm played Missy on iCarly.
sam did
Malika Blessing's birth name is Malika Perkins.
your mom plays it
Yes he plays on icarly only on the background performers.
Betsy Rue is the actress that plays Ginger Fox on iCarly.
Ask Spencer from iCarly. It's probably free.
Justin Prentice
Anthony Vitale