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In harmony, what is created by the combination of three or more notes together?


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Q: In harmony what is created by the combination of three or more notes together?
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In harmony What is created by the combination of three or more notes?

In harmony, what is created by the combination of three or more notes together? chord

Is harmony a proper noun?

No, "harmony" is not a proper noun. It is a common noun that refers to the combination of different musical notes played or sung together to create a pleasing sound.

What is the difference between a chord and a note?

A note is a single musical sound characterized by pitch and duration, while a chord is a combination of multiple notes played simultaneously. Chords create harmony by blending different notes together, whereas notes are the building blocks of melody and harmony in music.

What is the harmony of two or more notes sounding at the same time?

Harmony is the combination of simultaneous musical notes played together to create a pleasing sound. It involves the relationship between the different notes in terms of their pitch and how they interact with each other to create a sense of consonance or dissonance. Harmony enriches the overall texture and depth of music.

What doas harmony mean in music?

Harmony is two or more notes that when played together sound pleasant to the human ear. In today's music, chords are harmony in that a chord is three or more notes played together (which typically sound good).

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When both instruments play the same notes together in unison that is called?


What is an abstract noun for the verb harmony?

The word 'harmony' is a noun, an abstract noun; a word for the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce a pleasing effect; a situation in which people live and work well with other people; the attractive effect that is created when objects, colours etc combine together well.The verb is to harmonize. The abstract noun form of the verb is the gerund, harmonizing.

Two or more tones sounding together is called?

Two or more tones sounding together is called a chord. Chords are the foundation of harmony in music and are created by playing or singing multiple notes simultaneously.

What is the meaning of harmony in musical terms?

Generally, harmony is achieved when a group sings or plays instruments together in a matching or conforming pitch or progression. More specifically, harmony is a combination of two or three tones played together in the background while a melody is being played.

What is the meaning of harmony?

Harmony refers to a pleasing arrangement or combination of different elements, such as notes in music, colors in art, or thoughts in a group. It signifies a sense of unity, balance, and agreement that creates a sense of completeness or coherence.

How are chords made?

When you play 3 or more notes together at the same time, in harmony, you get a chord.