The sides were fairly equal with no one winning or losing and so when the eagles arrived, they made that side that much stronger than the other, and they won the battle.
The gleam refers to the last rays of sun and the gloom of the losing battle as the eagles swoop down to finish the war once and for all. page 268 the hobbit
Someone that can change from human form into something else. In The Hobbit Beorn was a shapeshifter and could turn into a bear.
Trolls are evil imitations of the Ents brought into being during the Song of the Ainur at the beginning when Melchor corrupted the words and melody of a part of the song.Trolls are very stupid, large creatures, that are always hungry, but turn into stone when exposed to the light of the sun.
The crowd is upset with the Master for trying to save himself without thought for anyone else. He in turn points out that the Dwarves are to blame for Smaug's anger. It is a successful ploy that distracts the people from deposing him.
Bilbo got the gold the dwarves promised, goes back to the shire, and puts the ring he found in the cave where he met gollum on his mantel. Bilbo goes back to his little hobbit home with the ring he found while trying to escape the goblins in their cave after earning the eternal gratitude of the dwarves, elves, and humans.
The gleam refers to the last rays of sun and the gloom of the losing battle as the eagles swoop down to finish the war once and for all. page 268 the hobbit
The battle took a turn in favor of the men, elves and dwarves when the eagles arrived. They threw the goblins off the mountain side.
The Battle of Midway.
Bilbo missed how the eagles and Beornings helped to turn the tide against the Wargs and Goblins and towards the eventual victory of the Elves, Men, and Dwarves.
Gettysburg, a three-day battle fought in Pennsylvania.
the tide of war went against the Germans
Turn of the Tides was created in 1994.
The importance of The Battle of Antietam was for General Lee to advance into Northern territory and to turn the tide of the war in favor of the Confederacy.
I Can't Turn the Tide was created in 1989-11.
Turn of the Tide - 1935 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
Beorn was the one that helped. He arrived in bear form and rescued Thorin.