Deidara's birthday is May 5th.He is 19 years old
He is born in 1994
Supermac18 was born on December 18 1994.
16years old he was born on feb-7-1994
Peter Cushing was born on May 26, 1913 and died on August 11, 1994. Peter Cushing would have been 81 years old at the time of death or 102 years old today.
18 years
As of May 2012, you would be 18
he was born on may 5th 1986
As of November 1, 2010, you are 16 years and 27 days old.
As of right now, 16. After May 27, he would be 17 years old.
You'd be 18 In 2010 turning 19 also in 2010.
US skateboarder Chaz Ortiz is 23 years old (born May 5, 1994).
He was born May 5th 1989. so he will be 22 this year
16If you are born in 1994 you would be 16 i believe16
Alexandra "Aly" Raisman is 22 years old. She was born on May 25, 1994 in Needham, Massachusetts.
At the time of answering (11 August 2012) you are 18.