Johnny Raper is 72 years old (birthdate: April 12, 1939).
If you mean Johnny O Sings, he is 9.
Jonny Knoxville is 41 years old (2012)
US singer Johnny Tillotson is 78 years old (birthdate: April 20, 1939).
Glimmer was 17 in The Hunger Games.
Johny Kush is 16
16years old he was born on feb-7-1994
he is 18 years old
Showtime(Alex Perez) is 16 he also a junior in high school.
As of the end of the 2013-2014 NFL season Eric Kush is 24 years old.
Dr. Marvel Williamson is 64 years old. She was born on November 4, 1953).
my grandmas old cellar
he is 18 because on hes new boyz website page he put he was born in 1994 and if you subtract the year we are in now and the year he was born in equals up to 18 think out the problem I KNOW THAT REALLY HELPED YOU OUT
It was the new capital of kush after kush's old capital was attacked by Egypt. :p YAY im smart!........ no ur not that isn't that's not answering the question
johnny kitagawa he is about 78 yrs old!!!
Old London Inc. was created in 1930.