You may just like all colors. You probably do have a favorite. When you are shopping do you tend to drift toward a certain color? If you need to use a sharpie what is the first color you would pick out of the rainbow colors? That should be your favorite!!
Her favorite color is red, blue, purple,pretty much the colors of the rainbow!
Favorite Color: GreenJames Maslow's favorite color is Green
His favorite color is Green and His favorite number is 8
Her favorite color is black.
hmm i dont care and i dont want to btw who is robbies
In some cases best friends can have the same favorite color in others they dont...
Her favorite color is red, blue, purple,pretty much the colors of the rainbow!
i dont know so tell me
why dont u ask him
Hmm i dont know think about it...
blue! i dont know i am being funny and dont know who he even is!
i would think green as a kid but i dont know
i think it was purple
Ive heard that miley cyrus's favorite color is yellow and ive heard that recently so i dont know.