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Hobbits are little people, about half the size of a full grown man. They live in small houses (holes) with round doors. Hobbits have curly hair (usually brown) on their heads and the tops of their feet. They rarely wear shoes, although they do quite a bit of road-walking. Hobbits tend to dress in bright colours, chiefly yellow and green. They are a most hardy folk who love to eat. They also are particularly skilled at the brewing of ale and the growing (and smoking, of course) of pipeweed. As Bilbo Baggins would say, "But where our hearts truly lie is in peace..." The main hobbits in "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" are Bilbo Baggins, his young cousin Frodo Baggins, Frodo's servant and loyal friend Samwise "Sam" Gamgee, and Frodo's two friends, Meriadoc "Merry" Brandybuck and Peregrin "Pippin" Took.

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8y ago

They live in snug Hobbit holes (preferably with a full larder) and take special pleasure in eating. Their meals include: breakfast, second breakfast, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper with many snacks in between. Most take special pleasure in growing things. (Especially young Sam Gamgee who is the Baggins' gardener at Bag End.) They often smoke from a wooden pipe. They most often smoke pipe weed and it is commonly said that the South Farthing's pipe weed is the best weed in the Shire. They like to drink a lot and the most popular bar in the Shire is the Green Dragon where Hobbits like to drink and dance and just be hobbits after a hard day's work. They usually detest adventure, but Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, Samwise (Sam) Gamgee, Meriadoc (Merry) Brandybuck, and Peregrin (Pippin) Took are noble exceptions. (Read about them all in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings to hear their stories and more about Hobbits.)

Their hair is usually thick, curly, and comes most often in shades of brown and blonde. They never wear shoes because they have developed thick leathery soles and hairy feet. They like their clothes to be in bright and earthy colors. (Their favorites being Green and Yellow.)

They are very short (Their average height being 3 foot 6.) and prefer to be large in the stomach.

Naps and hot baths are two other things that Hobbits greatly enjoy.

For more detailed information on all of these things read Concerning Hobbits in the beginning of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.

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15y ago

Laid-back, comfortable, full-of-things-to-eat, happy, carefree...

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12y ago

- Very Polite/well mannered

- Love food

- Very Tidy

- Not commonly adventurous

- Friendly

- Love their homes.

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How are hobbits inferior by means of pride?

Hobbits are prideful in the sense that they are secure in their living arrangements. They are simple, gentile, and kind creatures. They are never involved in any type of adventures, and are expected to live a certain way. Hobbits take pride in being clean and well respected creatures.

Why doesn't the capitol want the viewers to learn about other districts?

The best way to describe the way they viewed that as is cheating

Why does Bilbo throw a stone at the thrush in The Hobbit?

To move it so the big door can shut

What is the moral lesson of Lord of the Rings?

I read the books a long time ago, but the main moral I believe is that one should live life making sure greed does not consume it. The race of men is cast as the greedy, deceitful, power-seeking race. Because of men the ring was not destroyed thousands of years ago (Isildur), and their need for power is highlighted by the nine ringwraiths and Boromir's attempt to steal the ring from Frodo. On the other hand, the hobbits lives are that of simplicity and they are the "good" race. More importantly their way of life is advocated as the just as they live amongst themselves in peace without the thirst for power or greed. Of all the races, the hobbits lives maybe quaint in comparison, but they live in peace and avoid the problems that men, elves, and dwarves encounter.

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Jack was an influence to Sampson's life in a way that Ponyboy's life was influenced by soda from the outsiders.

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