Hobbits are prideful in the sense that they are secure in their living arrangements. They are simple, gentile, and kind creatures. They are never involved in any type of adventures, and are expected to live a certain way. Hobbits take pride in being clean and well respected creatures.
The term Halfling is used in some parts of Middle Earth to refer to Hobbits.
Bilbo and Frodo Baggins are both hobbits.
Both gnomes and hobbits are fantasy creatures. It would be hard to actually compare them. However, if you were to compare the garden gnomes in the Harry Potter series with the hobbits in The Hobbit, the gnomes would be very much shorter.
Hobbits live underground, and love comfort, food, company, tea, and love clothes. Hobbits are known to not take risks. Afterward, hobbits change that (Bilbo and Frodo)
In most cases it is taken as a negative word. Intellectual Vanity means to have a intellectual pride and to consider other people inferior in terms of knowledge and education.
No, Hobbits are fictitious characters
Hobbits are a product of fiction. They never really existed.
Yes, they are hobbits that live in the Shire.
Hobbits are also known as halflings.
Hobbits can speak because they were able to talk to humans
Hobbits did not live in trees. The opposite in fact; they lived in holes in the ground. Some Hobbits lived in houses. Hobbits do not like heights and do not even sleep upstairs.
Pride means stolthet in Norwegian.
That is what the word means. Superior means above.
Pried is a homonym of pride. Pried means to inquire or search inquisitively, while pride means a feeling of satisfaction or accomplishment.
The three types of hobbits are Harfoots, Stoors, and Fallohides.