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Both gnomes and hobbits are fantasy creatures. It would be hard to actually compare them. However, if you were to compare the garden gnomes in the Harry Potter series with the hobbits in The Hobbit, the gnomes would be very much shorter.

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Q: Are gnomes shorter than hobbits
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What is the difference between gnomes and hobbits?

Hobbits are smaller, tend to be curly-haired, dress 'chiefly in green and yellow', have hairy feet with thick soles, and live in hobbit-holes. Dwarves are slightly bigger, usually bearded, and live in mountains. Dwarves are miners and stone-workers and they like gold. Hobbits like eating and smoking pipeleaf. Dwarves are also much more war-like than hobbits - dwarves craft weapons and armour while hobbits don't involve themselves in war. Hobbits are also much stealthier that dwarves and can move about quite quietly and avoid detection.

What is difference between hobbit AND dwarf?

The hobbit is much shorter than a dwarf. Hobbits do not have beards.

Were they any hobbits in tales of the middle ages or did Tolkien make them up on his own?

Tolkien as a kid has read childrens fairy tales and no hobbits were not in them because in the middle ages creatures in fairy tales were goblins trolls fairies dwarves elves dragons gnomes and ogres

How do you make your friends like gnomes?

I love your question. I suggest you change the focus from your gnomes to you. I'm sure you have asked your friends how they like your gnomes and have received less than desirable comments. This is hurtful to you as it would be for anyone sharing their favorite things. From now on it's not about the gnomes. It's about you and that you love gnomes. It will be easier for your friends to like you for your love of gnomes than it will be for your friends to love gnomes like you love them. Show interest in their loves and they will show interest in yours. Heck, I don't even know you and I like it that you like gnomes. Just don't make me like them if I don't want to.

Why do hobbits have hairy feet?

The skin in the sole of their feet is very thick and the instep is covered with (uaually brown and rather curly), thick fur. That's why they don't need shoes.

Do Garden Gnomes keep chickens away?

Garden gnomes are not known to keep chickens away from a garden or yard. Garden gnomes are generally used as decorative items rather than to frighten birds.

Why do gnomes have big heads?

Gnomes, of course, are not real. But they are told to be roughly human, and because of this they may have bigger heads than humans but similair charecteristics. Different people imagine gnomes and other creatures in different ways.

How many types of gnomes are there?

There are several types of gnomes in folklore, including garden gnomes, forest gnomes, and house gnomes. These gnomes are often described as small, human-like creatures with magical abilities and a connection to nature. Each type of gnome is said to have its own unique characteristics and behaviors.

Are there still hobbits alive?

No, Hobbits are fictitious characters

How big is The Hobbit?

Somewhere between Men and Hobbits. It is mentioned that they are shorter and stockier than men and Elves, but no specific size is ever given.

Do gnomes build houses out of mushrooms?

No, Gnomes do not exist.

What do gnomes represent?

Gnomes were guardians in ancient literature