Knowing If Your Band Sucks : If your dad says "You should try and become a real band" he wants you to get out of his garage. If no one comes to your recitals, that is also a sign. Or if you never had any musical talent, your band probably sucks. if you own a webkinz. lololololololololololololololololololol just kidding
no not really they make punk-pop music but kind of emo its sucks to me and they suck all they do is scream at the top of their lungs "f*ck everything" over and over so yeah this stupid band sucks donkey balls
Dave mustaine sucks because megadeth is nothing but an attempt to one up metallica, for kicking him out of the band for being a cry baby. and if you think Dave mustaine sucks then u have a taste for thrash. he sings glam hair metal. he's a Winnie.
we don't know if you see the band then ask but i do know that my uncle was the drummer Mark Richardson !!
No Kouga is not in any of the Inuyasha movies.(yeah I know it sucks!!!!!)
they are the best band on the planet that is the earth, you returded poofs! how can you not know that?
no they dont have one. it sucks. no they dont have one. it sucks.
I know that it sucks...
i don't know to be onest! this sucks! :P i don't know to be onest! this sucks! :P
System of a Down doesnt suck its the best band ever
any hard rock crap like ac/dc and bon jovi
They don't stink, they're awesome! It still sucks that they stopped.
A month. I know it sucks. A month. I know it sucks.
It gives the band a beat and tempo. In other words, a conductor is just a back- up drummer just in case the drummer sucks or there is no drummer.
i know it sucks
Unfourunately, you can't delete accounts! I know, I know it SUCKS!
you know haloreach is a awsome game but the only thing that sucks is you dont have a hornet and falcons dont shoot
He's not very good (he sucks)