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not very well

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Q: How well do you know Charlie W?
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How well do you know Charlie Perry?

really well

Who is more famous Charlie Chaplin or Justin Bieber?

charlie chaplin is well know than bieber

In breaking dawn does the cullens secret get found out from charlie?

WELL......................................... no charlie never does find out but he does know Jacob is a werewolf

How do you you audition for good luck charlie?

Well, if you aren't a baby, then you don't have to know.

Does Charlie Scene smoke?

Yes. Well, he did in 2008, I don't know if he's quit.

Was charlie Daniels in the military?

Wanna know what Charlie Daniels plays? Are you sure? Ok, well he plays A MEAN FIDDLE!!!!!

Does Bella's family ever know shes a vampire?

Well..... Yes and no. Her Dad, Charlie knows that theirs something different, but he dosent know what. Also, Jake tells Charlie that hes a werewolf.

What has the author Charlie W Shedd written?

Charlie W Shedd has written: 'Letters to Karen' -- subject(s): Marriage, Correspondence, Interpersonal relations, Love

Charlie Crist political party?

well i dont know for shure but i think he is from the political party

What are the words to goodnplenty choochoo charlie?

Charlie says..."Love my Good N Plenty" Charlie Says... "Really Rings a bell" Charlie Says "Love my Good n Plenty.....don't know any other candy that I love so well!"

What was Charlie's appearance from the well by mildred Taylor?

What was Charlie's appearance in the well by mildred taylor

How do Charlie show his love to Renesmee?

charlie thinks that renesmee is going to be adopted by Bella and edward and he loves her. Renesmee loves charlie as well but can't use her powers arount charlie or he woiuld know somthing is up. Bella did not tell him that renesmee is her baby or that they are vampires